What is New Year’s Day and When Should It Be Celebrated?
What day is the New Year?
What is the New Year? It’s a bit more complicated than you might think. There are many definitions of “year” so it helps to know which one you’re referring to when you celebrate the New Year. Different cultures have different ways of measuring time. Some base the year around the sun, while others use the moon to clock the year.
The Gregorian calendar is used in the United States. It is based on the solar years. One solar year is the time it takes for the Earth to orbit around the sun. This means that New Year’s Day falls on the first Monday of January each year. The next time this happens will be Sunday, January 1, 2023. Time and Date reports that the Republic of Kiribati (an Oceania island) will be the first country to enter 2023.
It takes some calculations to calculate the lunar New Year. One lunar year is approximately 354 days. Twelve full moon cycles are roughly equal. The most popular New Year begins at sunset on day two of the new moon after the winter solstice. We did the math: Jan. 22, 2023, is the next occurrence, followed by Jan. 29, 2025, Jan. 10, 2024, and Feb. 17, 20,26.
Is New Year’s Eve considered a holiday?
The official federal holiday for New Year’s Eve is not Dec. 31. Despite this, many people enjoy celebrating it and consider it one of their favorite holidays. It’s easy to see why: it’s difficult to celebrate New Year’s Day if you don’t have the New Year’s Eve countdown or other celebrations the night before. New Year’s Eve falls this year on a Saturday. This will increase the fun of your celebrations. These New Years’ jokes will get you started.
Is the New Year a Federal Holiday?
January 1 is the first federal holiday that has been officially recognize in America. Congress created New Year’s Day in 1870 by passing a law.
The history of New Year’s Day
For millennia, it has been a tradition to celebrate the beginning of another year. New beginnings and survival are big things. New Year’s Day is only a recent invention. It’s celebrated on January 1, in most countries. There have been many different days use to celebrate the beginning of a new Year.
Four millennia ago, around 2000 B.C., Mesopotamia was the first place to celebrate the new year. To mark their new year, they chose the vernal date. It was around March 20. We have records from other ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Persians, and Phoenicians who chose the fall equinox to start their new year. This was around Sept. 20. To start the new year, the ancient Greeks chose the winter solstice around Dec. 20.
Enter the Romans: Emperor Julius Caesar created a standard calendar that would correspond to the solar year. He created the Julian calendar after consulting scientists. Jan. 1, was designate the first day of the new calendar. This is the year when the Earth is closest to the sun. Janus, named after Janus, is also honor by this holiday. Janus, who is the namesake god January, is known for having two faces. One looking forward and one looking backward.
However, that wasn’t the end. Pope Gregory XIII modified the Julian calendar in 1582 to create the Gregorian Calendar, which is what most people use today. Jan. 1 was reinstituted as New Year’s Day.
What are some traditions for the New Year around the globe?
The United States celebrates New Year’s Eve with a huge party. People count down the hours until the clocks officially start the new year. They will often share champagne and a New Year’s kiss at midnight. To ring in the New Year in style, many people coordinate the perfect New Years’ makeup and nail designs. The new year officially begins with fireworks, cheers, and music.
Many cultures have unique ways to celebrate New Year’s Day, whether they’re eating New Year’s Eve’s Lucky Foods, or throwing crockery.