• February 12, 2025

The Influence of Management on Making Healthier Workplaces

A firm’s management holds the reins of making the workplace smooth and conducive. When the office has a healthy dose of competition and enough challenges to push employees to advance their careers, the department becomes an all-around healthy place.

Employees should also be able to express their emotions without judgment and share their ideas to spur innovation. Having enough time for socialization in an office in Tower One and Exchange Plaza is a way for colleagues and co-workers to come together and voice out what is in each of them.

These are the basics of a healthy working environment. There are other details that only a Project management Agency can take over to make lasting changes in the area. Below are some of the things the HR and chief operations must consider for a wholesome working experience.

Office Design

Modern workplaces use computers in their daily operations. Hence, employees spend the whole day sedentary with their eyes glued to the screen. Consuming an excessive amount of time in a sitting position makes people prone to heart conditions and other sicknesses.

The office should encourage movement now and then. If using the company can’t help but rely on a computer, they can install high tables and surfaces that promote work while upright. Besides the working culture, it’s also essential to improve the air quality. Most spaces are enclosed to retain the coolness from the air conditioning. However, keeping the areas secured retains allergens, bad odor, and toxins that can spread or cause viral diseases.

Furniture and light fixtures are also important details that can affect the productivity and health of each person. Some types of light induce eye strain, while wooden chairs or those without padding and back support can cause body pain.

Company Policy

The attitude and habits of each employee rely on the company’s existing policy. If the rules on hygiene, work ethic, quality of output, dress code, and accountability are lax, the people in the firm are likely to become neglectful of the tasks they have to accomplish.

Team leaders and managers can oversee the performance of their units and report their findings to the decision-making body or the board. They can suggest and advocate changes in the existing rules for any changes that enhance the workers’ output and working relationship.

Tradition and Culture

Upper management is likely to be composed of the founders of the firm. Therefore, most of the activities, habits and social events circulating in the area come from them. If the consistent action and pursuits no longer provide a positive impact on each department, it’s time to adapt to a new one.

Some employees may adapt to the actions of their bosses and heads take on habits that may not sit well with most clients and colleagues. HR can solve the issue by introducing different ways of attitude adjustment toward a team head and subordinates. Out-of-the-office activities like eating out and venturing into leisure exercises allow each person to get to know one another on a personal level.

The company policy, office space,  and existing tradition and culture are the non-negotiables in a workplace. At the same time, these are also the elements of the workplace that each person has no control over. Improving the overall health of the office environment solely depends on those who have the power to make lasting changes.

A healthy working environment will stem from management whether they like it or not. Though each person can contribute to the outcome, the impact must first transition to them until it spreads all over the company.

Shabbir Ahmad


Shabbir Ahmed is a professional blogger, writer, SEO expert & founder of Dive in SEO. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.

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