• February 10, 2025

Dr. Kami Hoss- Parenting Tips For Oral and Dental Healthcare For Kids

 Dr. Kami Hoss- Parenting Tips For Oral and Dental Healthcare For Kids

Dental care is important not only for adults but for children as well, and it is never too late for them to start. Good oral health for children should start early, and whether you are nursing or bottle-feeding your child, you must incorporate some dental hygiene routine for your child.

Dr. Kami Hoss- oral and dental care starts from infancy

Before the teeth surfaces, you should wipe down the gums of your infant with a soft wet washcloth. Once the teeth in the child appear on the surface, you must ensure they are cleaned carefully with the right products. You should consult your pediatric dentist, too, but the right toothpaste and brush that are suited for their tiny mouths.

Oral health is crucial for your child’s health, and parents should be educated on how they should teach their kids good dental habits.

Famous orthodontist and co-owner of the renowned dental clinic Dr. Kami Hoss recently launched his book, “ If Your Mouth Could Talk,” on Amazon. In this book, he has given parents some valuable information to parents on how they can take care of their child’s health successfully.

He has the goal of reinventing the quality of oral health patient care in the USA and operates a multi-specialty dental care clinic in San Diego, California. Here he specializes in several advanced orthodontic treatments with the latest technologies. He and his team of qualified industry experts arrest misaligned teeth in a short span of time without the need for braces.

He also highlights the relationship between body and oral health in his book. Though he specializes in pediatric dentistry, he says that it is never too late for anyone to start regular check-ups to ensure healthy and clean teeth. According to him, the proper dental care adds ten to fifteen years to a person’s life. He recommends people attach importance to their oral health as much as they attach significance to their oral health. He hopes that parents of children will take the advice that he has shared in his book and introduce their kids to a healthy dental routine early in life.

Diet and oral health

Along with dental and oral care, parents must ensure that their kids follow the proper diet when it comes to healthy gums and teeth. Kids should stay away from sugary food and drinks for good oral health. It is essential for a parent to monitor the brushing habits of their children till their teens so that they face no tooth cavities and decay later on in life.

Dr. Kami Hoss is a highly successful pediatric dentist and esteemed orthodontist in the region with more than 25 years of invaluable experience in the field of dentistry, serving the community in San Diego, California. He optimizes state-of-the-art technology to give his patients the desired results. His clinic, The Super Dentists, is a member of the American Board of Orthodontics, the American Dental Association, and the American Board of Orthodontics. It is a credible and trusted dental clinic in the region committed to delivering the utmost quality patient care and trusted by several families in San Diego.

Shabbir Ahmad


Shabbir Ahmed is a professional blogger, writer, SEO expert & founder of Dive in SEO. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.