• November 12, 2024

Chartered Accountants – A Career Worth Taking

 Chartered Accountants – A Career Worth Taking

Are you thinking about becoming a chartered accountant? Do you feel that you are not qualified enough to become one? I will tell you that you are not alone. Many people think that chartered accountancy is a tough career but nothing is as bad as they think.

If you have decided to take up this profession then you have taken a great decision. It is a good career option for you as it is an excellent career choice for the young generation. There is no doubt in the fact that a chartered accountant  of top accounting firms in London is very valuable for any business.

Chartered Accountants – The basics

A chartered accountant is someone who is qualified to perform accounting and taxation services. In order to become a chartered accountant you need to have an undergraduate degree and a bachelor’s degree in commerce. In addition, you need to have a master’s degree in accountancy.

Chartered Accountants – The requirements

In order to become a chartered accountant you need to have a bachelor’s degree in commerce. After completing your bachelor’s degree you need to complete the CA Final. To become a chartered accountant you need to complete the CA Final exam and the CIPFA exams.

Chartered Accountants – The benefits

You will get a high salary and you will be able to work in different companies. In addition to this you will also be able to earn more than you would have in a regular job. There is no doubt in the fact that you will get a good salary if you take up this profession.

Chartered Accountants – How to get one?

There are many institutes that offer chartered accountancy courses. However, if you want to join the best institute then you should apply to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

Opportunity to Earn More:

If you work in a large firm, you will be able to earn a huge amount of money. The more work you complete, the more you will get paid.

In addition to the above benefits, there are a number of Chartered Accountancy Colleges which offer a high quality education to the students. Students can opt for distance learning courses from reputed institutions and earn a degree in three years.


The salary of Chartered Accountants depends upon the type of company and its location. The average salary of Chartered Accountants in the London was £57,456 per year.

Job Security:

Most of the Chartered Accountants in Harringay start their career in small firms where there is a limited scope for promotion. So, you will get a good chance to grow and learn the skills required for the job.

High Profits:

If you become an expert in this field, you will get a good income. Some of the renowned companies which recruit Chartered Accountants include JP Morgan, HSBC, Citi Bank, Barclays, ABN Amro and many more.

Flexible Working Hours:

You will not be bound to a particular time to work as a Chartered Accountant. You will be working from your office and home as well. You will not be forced to sit at the desk for a whole day.


If you have the passion for accounting and want to start your career as a Chartered Accountant then it is a great opportunity. Many Chartered Accountants have started their career from small firms. It is a good opportunity for the students who don’t have the time to complete their graduation.

Shabbir Ahmad


Shabbir Ahmed is a professional blogger, writer, SEO expert & founder of Dive in SEO. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.

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